Category Podcasts

Trick or Treat Your Self!

My Chat With the Hip Cats at Behavioral Grooves

You may remember (or been bludgeoned by my repeated tweets and end-of-blog advertisements) I did a webinar with the guys from Behavioral Grooves a few weeks back. That webinar was based on the ebook we co-authored.  And now I am… Continue Reading →

Time to Atone for your Incentive Sins!

#SHRM18 Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kight!

“The celebrated Mr. K Performs his feat on Saturday at Bishopsgate The Hendersons will dance and sing As Mr. Kite flies through the ring don’t be late Messrs. K. and H. assure the public Their production will be second to… Continue Reading →

Newest “Paul”Cast with Kelly Irons from DevelopUs – Feedback as a Gift?

How many of you get all-a-twitter about the annual “feedback” session with your manager? How many of you think giving feedback to your manager is the right thing to advance your career? How often does your spouse appreciate that “feedback”… Continue Reading →

A New “Paul”Cast – Tie Dyed and Geeked Out!

Sometimes you need to break the rules to feel alive. This is one of those times. Normally, I try to focus “Paul”Cast topics on early career advice but this one is a bit different. This time we’re focusing on an… Continue Reading →

Patrick Lynch from the Frontier Group on the #”Paul”Cast

My THE Ohio State University fandom took a hit in this “Paul”Cast  because my guest – Patrick Lynch – got his undergrad at that school up north and then doubled down getting his MBA at its little sister, the Spartans…. Continue Reading →

Trips to Win! A New “Paul”Cast

Dang…it’s been over a month since I last posted to this blog. Where was the uprising? I didn’t see my lack of attention here on the news. I didn’t get bucketfuls of letters screaming for a post. I guess I… Continue Reading →

Tess Ausman on the “Paul”Cast – Dress for Success?

Haven’t done a “Paul”Cast in a while and frankly – I felt really rusty in this episode. But Tess Ausman helped pull me through and we ended up with an interesting discussion on dressing for success when starting your career… Continue Reading →

Alina Tubman on the “PaulCast”… Audit the Finance Department?

Another “PaulCast” is up and ready for your listening pleasure (or not). I know Trump is upset about not earning an Emmy and so am I. The whole podcasting industry is rigged I tell ya. Rigged! But seriously folks. Today’s… Continue Reading →

Rayanne Thorn on the “Paul”Cast … Do the thing you suck at?

Rayanne Thorn joins the “Paul”Cast to chat about doing something different with your life and your career. Normally we talk about leveraging your strengths and focusing on what you do well while outsourcing the stuff you suck at. Rayanne is… Continue Reading →

Micole Kaye on the “Paul”Cast… Internship?

Normally I start these “Paul”Casts with the tag line “what I wished I had been told…” but my interview partner in this discussion is fresh out of school and really hasn’t had the opportunity to experience a ton of life… Continue Reading →

Monica Fochtman on the “Paul”Cast… What I wish I had been told…

Are you taking responsibility for your own engagement at work? Are you the craftsperson of your own happiness? It seems from what we read today that companies own employee engagement and employee happiness. But not so fast says Monica Fochtman,… Continue Reading →

Ray Zinn on the “Paul”Cast… What I wish I had been told…

As I got ready to upload this podcast I noticed just how long it has been since my last post. I am embarrassed! Chaulk it up to being busy – which also equates to better business. I can attest –… Continue Reading →

Drew Hawkins on the “Paul”Cast… What I wish I had been told…

Back behind the microphone with Drew Hawkins. Drew is someone I met about 8 years ago as I was just firing up a single practitioner consulting service and we was working in Chicago at a semi-competitor. We were both banging… Continue Reading →

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