Tag thought leadership

If you always hit a goal is it a good goal?

Coming up with something interesting (and new) to write about relating to incentives is getting pretty hard. I usually come up with something I feel I haven’t addressed. I quickly write a positioning paragraph and then go check my posts… Continue Reading →

Not Everything Needs to be Performance-Based

Most incentive programs tie awards to performance that creates revenue or profit. But it doesn’t have to.  Sometimes it is nice to reward people for other things that may have zero impact on sales.  Maybe something that might impact the… Continue Reading →

Do Local if You Can

Speaker of the House from 1977 to 1987, Thomas Phillip “Tip” O’Neill Jr., is credited with saying “All politics is local.” And to a huge degree he’s right. I might try to argue that with social media we’ve expanded our… Continue Reading →

OMG – Best.News.Letter.Ever!

I’ve mentioned Bri Williams before. She runs a consultancy in Australia and has a wonderful newsletter that I devour and save ever time it hits my inbox. I won’t lie… I steal a lot of ideas from her. But as… Continue Reading →

History Can Be the Future

Today’s post is brought to you by nostalgia. This morning I read through a post called “The Best Meme’s of All Time” and it was beauteous.  Each meme transported me back to the time when that meme hit and went… Continue Reading →

When You Think You’ve Got a Leg Up You Show Up

A great influence and incentive tool that is rarely used is something called “idiosyncratic fit.” For those of you in Rio Linda that means the rules of the game favor my specific situation and skill set. Idiosyncratic means peculiar or… Continue Reading →

Do We ALWAYS Need Return on Investment?

In today’s hyper-analytic, big-data business world Return on Investment (ROI) is axiomatic. Don’t even think about running a marketing program, or designing a program, or even thinking about a program before you’ve proven an insanely positive ROI.  But is that… Continue Reading →

Delayed Due to Time Change – Stress Testing my Body Clock

Traveling this week and writing from Vancouver, BC, Canada. That means it is 3 hours earlier than my normal body clock/posting habit. So, from your perspective I’m late. From my perspective I’m pretty much on time. And that’s an interesting… Continue Reading →

Can You Answer This Question?

When you saw that headline did you click through? If you’re reading this then you did.  And that’s what I wanted. Engagement. I didn’t need to promise you a rose garden or a gift card. I just asked if you… Continue Reading →

Motivating Change May Be Seen as a Risk

Incentive programs are designed to get people to do something. Sell more. Call more. Research more. Fill out paperwork more. But I think humans may be hard-wired to not change.  I think humans look at inaction more favorably than action…. Continue Reading →

The Goals for Your Incentive Program Aren’t in Your Financial Reports

So many incentive programs are designed based on the needs and wants (and compensation goals) of the guy or gal in charge. They need to hit 110% of goal – so everyone is rewarded for 115% of goal (gotta add… Continue Reading →

Incentives Don’t Work. Or do they?

I have heard many times that incentives don’t work. I can cite statistics all day that say they do but some days a picture is worth 1,000 statistics. Today is that day. Plucked from my friend’s twitter feed (@akabruno) the… Continue Reading →

Recognition VS Incentive?

We often conflate recognition and incentives. But they are not the same thing.  My rule of thumb: Recognize things you hope will never change.  Put incentives on things you hope do. Recognize altruism, helpfulness, honesty, effort, caring, self-management, going above… Continue Reading →

Incentive Programs Are Many Things – and One Thing

Does your program focus your people on one goal for 12 months? You’re going to lose people very quickly when you do this. Or do you have too many programs with little focus, simply running promotion after promotion after promotion…. Continue Reading →

Ask for the Commitment – Drive More Success

Commitment is a powerful influencer. When you ask someone for a commitment, and they agree to it, that person is much much more likely to follow through and do what they said they would do. Not 100% of the time…. Continue Reading →

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