Category Engagement

Employee Engagement and The Stanford Prison Experiment

Image a world where the meek have really inherited the earth. Where the rich are now at the bottom of the economic pyramid and the poor are now the ruling class. Imagine working in a factory shooting screws for 10… Continue Reading →

New Research: Employees Work Harder When They Are Almost Starving

[Warning – rant ahead] Love that headline? What if I told you that you can get more production from your employees if they are hungry? Or cold. Or tired. Or flat out exhausted. What if I told you that the… Continue Reading →

Little Shop of Engagement Horrors

It is no secret that employee engagement has become a vapor for most companies. The percentage of “engaged” employees has remained stable (and low) for well over 10 years. I’ve even suggested that maybe our 30%-ish engagement statistics represent the… Continue Reading →

Heaven Forbid We TALK to Employees!

I’m jotting this post off in a hurry because the muse is hitting me and I have a full “to-do” list this week. A good friend and smart guy Jason Lauritsen posted in Facebook a link to an article entitled:… Continue Reading →

Which Video Game Are You? Take Our Quiz and Get Whitepaper on Incentives & Games

“If you were a video game which game would you be?” No. This isn’t a trick interview question from Gryzzl or some other high tech company. It’s a question we’re asking related to our newest whitepaper “Unleash an Epic Incentive… Continue Reading →

Alina Tubman on the “PaulCast”… Audit the Finance Department?

Another “PaulCast” is up and ready for your listening pleasure (or not). I know Trump is upset about not earning an Emmy and so am I. The whole podcasting industry is rigged I tell ya. Rigged! But seriously folks. Today’s… Continue Reading →

When is ONE thing really THREE things? Whenever you want to sell newspapers and employee engagement.

We are a one-trick pony society now. We have abandoned our ability to see our world as a complex set of iterations, interactions and interrelationships. We think the economy is ONLY a function of Fed interest policy. We think the… Continue Reading →

3 Words to Add to Employee Titles to Drive Engagement

If you work in corporate America you worry about employee engagement. If you work in corporate “World” you worry about employee engagement. And if you pay attention to employee engagement data you know it really hasn’t changed much in 10… Continue Reading →

Blame your company culture on the pens you use.

Culture – the tapestry of who and what your company is and stands for. Woven from many different behaviors – large and small. Culture isn’t what is written on posters outside the offices of your senior leadership team. Culture is… Continue Reading →

Monica Fochtman on the “Paul”Cast… What I wish I had been told…

Are you taking responsibility for your own engagement at work? Are you the craftsperson of your own happiness? It seems from what we read today that companies own employee engagement and employee happiness. But not so fast says Monica Fochtman,… Continue Reading →

Recognition – Incentive – Engagement [They Are NOT the Same]

I keep a file of all the articles I find about how to drive performance in organizations. Some are good. Some are horrible. Most are about 50% correct. Even this one will fall short of 100% because at the core… Continue Reading →

Engagement Entropy – Stop Trying to Find a Solution

Except for a few classes in high school and college, I’m betting you haven’t used the word entropy in a long while. If you have, you’re traveling in better circles than me. In my group the most common words we… Continue Reading →

Just Throw a Webinar – May 25 at Noon EDT

Six years ago I wrote a post on Fistful of Talent called “Just Throw Strikes.” The gist of the post was that too often what we think is helpful advice is rarely that. At best it is just a restatement… Continue Reading →

Engagement Alpha – Making this stuff up and loving it!

Sometimes I surprise myself. I’ve been writing about employee engagement – and engagement in general – for almost 10 years. First on my own blog for and then in tandem on Fistful of Talent for almost as long. I’ve also… Continue Reading →

Are we playing defense when it comes to employee engagement?

  About 6 years ago I wrote a post for Fistful Of Talent entitled: HR Plays Too Much Defense” The gist of the post was that HR sees their job as “protecting the company.” That HR is in the “prevention… Continue Reading →

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