I’ve been holding off on posting since the world slowed down a few weeks ago even though I’m told content is king and if I stop posting I immediately become irrelevant. At least that’s what the gurus say. But I… Continue Reading →
Many clients will tell me they don’t need an incentive program. They’ll tell me everything is great. They’ll say their compensation system or current rebate program covers their goals and focuses their participants on the things they want. And then… Continue Reading →
The holiday is behind us. I truly hope your Thanksgiving was filled with thanks (of course), was safe, and included all the trimmings that make for great memories. And for many of you (us?) who didn’t follow our diet plans… Continue Reading →
I’m working with the better half of Incentive Intelligence this week to put together our menu for Thanksgiving. And by extension, the grocery list. You would think after 33 years of doing Thanksgiving we’d have the list committed to memory… Continue Reading →
Image a world where the meek have really inherited the earth. Where the rich are now at the bottom of the economic pyramid and the poor are now the ruling class. Imagine working in a factory shooting screws for 10… Continue Reading →
We are a one-trick pony society now. We have abandoned our ability to see our world as a complex set of iterations, interactions and interrelationships. We think the economy is ONLY a function of Fed interest policy. We think the… Continue Reading →
The more I write about engagement and motivation for business, the more convinced I become that there are a finite number of rules in the world and those rules are simply repurposed for whatever context we humans play (or work)… Continue Reading →
On March 23, 2016, Microsoft unleashed on the internet an artificial intelligence (AI) attached to a twitter account. It was called a chatbot and it went by the name of “Tay.” “Tay” was an experiment in AI to learn how… Continue Reading →
Seems HR gets more than their fair share of abuse. From HBR running their ongoing series on why HR sucks or how HR needs to change to why everyone hates HR. What exactly did HR do to Harvard Business Review?… Continue Reading →
During conversations over Christmas break with my 22 year-old and my 24 year-old children they were surprised to learn that all this parenting stuff they had to suffer through growing up (and continue to for at least a little while… Continue Reading →
I don’t do the normal prediction post or look-back post mostly because they are pretty easy and common. But I’m not above some self-promotion so I’m leaving 2015 with this podcast I did with friend Rayanne Thorn. We did… Continue Reading →
I’m pretty good at keeping my finger on the pulse of what is going on in the engagement space but this little ditty almost slipped by me. And the fact that I’ve only seen one update referencing this (and on… Continue Reading →
I posted a couple months back that I wanted to start talking to people about advice they wished they’d received early in the career. Advice that had the potential to change the trajectory of a career. I’m not talking about… Continue Reading →
Short post motivated by a comment made in the debate last night. Not here to argue politics but I will argue that new perspectives and new ideas are needed across the board – in business and in government. Just makes… Continue Reading →
Before you get all excited know this is NOT a post about “Smiling Bob” and Enzyte. This is a post about reframing a discussion around employees and their relationship with the organization. We all know that employee engagement is the… Continue Reading →
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