When I started writing my blog I was prolific. One a day. Every day. Over time I got busier and busier. And the blog suffered. Still does. I’m still writing but not always here. If you’ve checked the sidebar on… Continue Reading →
I’m jotting this post off in a hurry because the muse is hitting me and I have a full “to-do” list this week. A good friend and smart guy Jason Lauritsen posted in Facebook a link to an article entitled:… Continue Reading →
HR is a tough job. And there are tough people who do this job. One of them is Lisa Rosendahl. Today is Tim Sackett Day – a day to recognize someone in HR who doesn’t usually get the props they… Continue Reading →
Incentives and rewards influence behavior. Recognition influences behavior. Simply paying attention influences behavior (ask Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger after their studies at the Hawthorne plant in the 1920s). What you say influences behavior. HOW you say things also has… Continue Reading →
“If you were a video game which game would you be?” No. This isn’t a trick interview question from Gryzzl or some other high tech company. It’s a question we’re asking related to our newest whitepaper “Unleash an Epic Incentive… Continue Reading →
There are a million things to consider when designing an effective incentive program. But at a very high level you want to do three things… Get your audience to accept and commit to the program. Find a way to have… Continue Reading →
Note: I just noticed that I published a “10 Posts Not to Write About HR” back in September. So this is a bit of rehash. It has more in it and I’ve already written it so … what the hey…… Continue Reading →
Another “PaulCast” is up and ready for your listening pleasure (or not). I know Trump is upset about not earning an Emmy and so am I. The whole podcasting industry is rigged I tell ya. Rigged! But seriously folks. Today’s… Continue Reading →
Close your eyes. Imagine you’re a manager and you have 10 employees that you’re responsible for. Notice I didn’t say “10 employees who work for you”. That was on purpose. As a manager your REAL job regardless of what you… Continue Reading →
We all want to predict the future. I want to know which company will be the next AOL, or the next Apple. I want to know where to tell my kids to put their money so they can take care… Continue Reading →
We are a one-trick pony society now. We have abandoned our ability to see our world as a complex set of iterations, interactions and interrelationships. We think the economy is ONLY a function of Fed interest policy. We think the… Continue Reading →
SEO link bait aside, the headline still stands. I’m in Chicago this week for HRTech. I’m one of the designated “bloggers” for the event which means I get a pass to the event and … well… that’s about it. I… Continue Reading →
If you work in corporate America you worry about employee engagement. If you work in corporate “World” you worry about employee engagement. And if you pay attention to employee engagement data you know it really hasn’t changed much in 10… Continue Reading →
Yes. This is one of those “apology” posts. You’ve seen them before. A blogger takes a break or doesn’t post as much as they have in the past, so they do a post to apologize for not posting and promising to… Continue Reading →
Rayanne Thorn joins the “Paul”Cast to chat about doing something different with your life and your career. Normally we talk about leveraging your strengths and focusing on what you do well while outsourcing the stuff you suck at. Rayanne is… Continue Reading →
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