This is the 3rd in the 5-part series on things to consider when designing incentive and recognition strategies for the enterprise. First of all, please don’t assume any of these individual postings in the series are exhaustive of how to… Continue Reading →
Sometimes you need to break the rules to feel alive. This is one of those times. Normally, I try to focus “Paul”Cast topics on early career advice but this one is a bit different. This time we’re focusing on an… Continue Reading →
A little alliteration never hurt anyone. The first post in this 5-part series went up on July 25th. It focused on making sure your program design fits with your brand. I can sum up that post with this quote: “Don’t… Continue Reading →
[The following was originally written for an internal company newsletter and then remixed for a blog post on my company’s blog. Below is the raw material I provided to make both of those efforts happen. I thought was worthy of… Continue Reading →
Or is it Part 2 since I posted the intro piece last week? Does the intro count at Part 1? I’m going to say no. The parts are the elements – the Intro/Summary aren’t part of the series. So this… Continue Reading →
My THE Ohio State University fandom took a hit in this “Paul”Cast because my guest – Patrick Lynch – got his undergrad at that school up north and then doubled down getting his MBA at its little sister, the Spartans…. Continue Reading →
No one believes because they dissected a frog in High School they are qualified to perform surgery on their pets or heaven forbid another human (well some do but yuck!) Yet when it comes to incentive and recognition program design… Continue Reading →
Dang…it’s been over a month since I last posted to this blog. Where was the uprising? I didn’t see my lack of attention here on the news. I didn’t get bucketfuls of letters screaming for a post. I guess I… Continue Reading →
Somewhat recently (sorry – I’m a bit backlogged) a question came up on one of my HR-focused discussion groups in Facebook. The poster was seeking ideas on how to compensate employees for being part of a company effort described as…… Continue Reading →
Image a world where the meek have really inherited the earth. Where the rich are now at the bottom of the economic pyramid and the poor are now the ruling class. Imagine working in a factory shooting screws for 10… Continue Reading →
[Warning – rant ahead] Love that headline? What if I told you that you can get more production from your employees if they are hungry? Or cold. Or tired. Or flat out exhausted. What if I told you that the… Continue Reading →
It is no secret that employee engagement has become a vapor for most companies. The percentage of “engaged” employees has remained stable (and low) for well over 10 years. I’ve even suggested that maybe our 30%-ish engagement statistics represent the… Continue Reading →
Haven’t done a “Paul”Cast in a while and frankly – I felt really rusty in this episode. But Tess Ausman helped pull me through and we ended up with an interesting discussion on dressing for success when starting your career… Continue Reading →
Two months from now thousands of HR Professionals (and a enough amateurs to make it interesting) will descend on New Orleans for the 2017 Society of Human Resource Management annual conference. There will be parties. There will be regrets. There… Continue Reading →
Say you have 100 sales people (or employees with a quantifiable metric) and you want to do something to drive increased performance. Most of the time you, or your VP of Sales, will suggest an “incentive” program to get people… Continue Reading →
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