We love averages. So much so it allows us to feel confident in our design choices even when they will backfire. We all see the “data” that suggests “most” people like X or Y. The incentive world is full of… Continue Reading →
It’s Friday. I’m having a week. I’ve spent the last couple of days sitting by my spouse’s bedside in the hospital, trying to get work done and still be attentive. Nothing serious but still a bit of a speed bump… Continue Reading →
About 99.9% of all incentive designers and buyers see channel incentive programs as a way to get more from the same people they are already getting a lot from. For years and years program designers focused on the top performers…. Continue Reading →
I know so many clients who wished they could wave a magic wand and have all their goals and objectives met. They want a simple solution that fixes their motivation issues. They always ask… “what structure is the best structure?”… Continue Reading →
Incentive design malpractice is rampant. I’ll say it again since it is worth repeating. Incentive design malpractice is rampant. It’s easy to spot. Simply look at the way people earn commissions or award points, etc. If 100% of the criteria… Continue Reading →
What is Behavioral Memory? Something I just made up. I think. I typically google any subject I am going to post about to one – make sure I didn’t post on this topic before (after 16 years of blogging you… Continue Reading →
Facebook – huh – yeah What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it again, y’all Facebook, huh (good God) What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, listen to me, oh Except when it provides fodder for these genius… Continue Reading →
I’m sure you laughed when you read that. Heck, I laughed when I wrote it. Think back to the end of 2019. There you are in a conference room or your office (remember those?) reviewing historic sales figures, thinking through… Continue Reading →
Readers of a certain age will immediately recognize that headline. It’s from the long-running sitcom Friends. For those who are scratching their heads, Ross, one of the characters in the group of 6 “friends” buys a couch and decides to… Continue Reading →
Some of the news over the past few days was disheartening. Some places in the country are seeing an increase in positive COVID-19 tests. Others a decrease. I’d personally love to see more places that were decreasing but I can’t… Continue Reading →
It’s been over a month since I posted. I wanted to focus on my family and my work to be sure I was doing everything possible to support those two critical aspects of my life. Posting here doesn’t change my… Continue Reading →
I’ve seen posts on LinkedIn saying now is the time to sell, sell, sell and spend, spend, spend on marketing and sales because others won’t. Grab share today through marketing and sales. Take advantage of this problem to help yourself…. Continue Reading →
Many incentive programs are simply “do x get y”. Nothing wrong with that. I would probably classify them more like a customer loyalty program instead of a true incentive since they are really designed to reinforce ongoing engagement with the… Continue Reading →
Incentive programs don’t have a season. They aren’t better to run when you’re sales are falling vs. when your sales are growing. Both scenarios are great situations for incentive programs. Market rising for your product? Great – run an incentive…. Continue Reading →
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