I love being engaged on my job. I don’t think I’ve ever been more engaged. Mostly because I directly see (and hear) the value I’m adding to the company. I’ve had other employees say they are happy I’m at the… Continue Reading →
Because it is 2018. That’s why. Writing another post on employee engagement would be like writing a post about why fire is good. Or why electricity is good. I think they’ve actually changed the opening scene of Animal House to… Continue Reading →
Sometimes I get busy writing for other people and don’t get a chance to support my own blog. This is one of those weeks. I had two posts go live this week on different sites. I must of been in… Continue Reading →
Holding the envelope to my forehead, the large turban perched atop my head I read these words – Austin Powers, Gandhi and Your Mom. I pull envelope down, rip the short edge of the envelope off and blow into it… Continue Reading →
Unfortunately, I’ve been to funerals. I’ll wager you have too. Common to most is the “memory lane” exercise, where a family member, friend or religious representative, walks through the life and times of the deceased. For one funeral I attended… Continue Reading →
Where there is demand there will be supply. Especially in the world of thought leadership. Thought leadership costs almost nothing to create and has almost zero downside. When was the last time someone went back and looked at a post… Continue Reading →
The first post in this series went up July 25, 2017 and the final installment was live on October 12, 2017. Can’t rush brilliance – or its opposite. I said when I started the series that I’d combine the posts… Continue Reading →
Back in 2007 I read a post on a site that is no longer showing up in a google search. So much for the internet “always” remembering. (But I do. Ping me if you forgot where you put your keys.)… Continue Reading →
I get frustrated sometimes when I read articles, posts and even books about incentives, rewards, recognition and other topics related to designing and delivering great influence programs. Mostly because I continue to see bad advice being doled out over and… Continue Reading →
[I probably should have crafted this series of posts better since this is the last in the 5-part series and it is all about the first thing you should do before creating your program/initiative. Hindsight is always 20/20 and foresight… Continue Reading →
This is the 3rd in the 5-part series on things to consider when designing incentive and recognition strategies for the enterprise. First of all, please don’t assume any of these individual postings in the series are exhaustive of how to… Continue Reading →
A little alliteration never hurt anyone. The first post in this 5-part series went up on July 25th. It focused on making sure your program design fits with your brand. I can sum up that post with this quote: “Don’t… Continue Reading →
[The following was originally written for an internal company newsletter and then remixed for a blog post on my company’s blog. Below is the raw material I provided to make both of those efforts happen. I thought was worthy of… Continue Reading →
Two months from now thousands of HR Professionals (and a enough amateurs to make it interesting) will descend on New Orleans for the 2017 Society of Human Resource Management annual conference. There will be parties. There will be regrets. There… Continue Reading →
When I started writing my blog I was prolific. One a day. Every day. Over time I got busier and busier. And the blog suffered. Still does. I’m still writing but not always here. If you’ve checked the sidebar on… Continue Reading →
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