I love being engaged on my job. I don’t think I’ve ever been more engaged. Mostly because I directly see (and hear) the value I’m adding to the company. I’ve had other employees say they are happy I’m at the… Continue Reading →
Sometimes I get busy writing for other people and don’t get a chance to support my own blog. This is one of those weeks. I had two posts go live this week on different sites. I must of been in… Continue Reading →
Image a world where the meek have really inherited the earth. Where the rich are now at the bottom of the economic pyramid and the poor are now the ruling class. Imagine working in a factory shooting screws for 10… Continue Reading →
[Warning – rant ahead] Love that headline? What if I told you that you can get more production from your employees if they are hungry? Or cold. Or tired. Or flat out exhausted. What if I told you that the… Continue Reading →
Two months from now thousands of HR Professionals (and a enough amateurs to make it interesting) will descend on New Orleans for the 2017 Society of Human Resource Management annual conference. There will be parties. There will be regrets. There… Continue Reading →
When I started writing my blog I was prolific. One a day. Every day. Over time I got busier and busier. And the blog suffered. Still does. I’m still writing but not always here. If you’ve checked the sidebar on… Continue Reading →
I’m jotting this post off in a hurry because the muse is hitting me and I have a full “to-do” list this week. A good friend and smart guy Jason Lauritsen posted in Facebook a link to an article entitled:… Continue Reading →
SEO link bait aside, the headline still stands. I’m in Chicago this week for HRTech. I’m one of the designated “bloggers” for the event which means I get a pass to the event and … well… that’s about it. I… Continue Reading →
If you work in corporate America you worry about employee engagement. If you work in corporate “World” you worry about employee engagement. And if you pay attention to employee engagement data you know it really hasn’t changed much in 10… Continue Reading →
Yes. This is one of those “apology” posts. You’ve seen them before. A blogger takes a break or doesn’t post as much as they have in the past, so they do a post to apologize for not posting and promising to… Continue Reading →
Can you believe there was a time in medical history when medical practitioners didn’t wash their hands? When cleanliness wasn’t a “best practice?” True story. Washing hands wasn’t a routine issue back in the mid-1800s. The idea of washing hands… Continue Reading →
Show of hands… how many of you like being compared to domesticated farm animals? Or even non-domesticated animals for that matter? Except for honey badgers and wolverines – those are some bad-ass animals. I’m cool if someone said I was… Continue Reading →
It’s been something in the back of mind, wound tight, ready to spring with the right trigger – the feeling this whole mad, headlong rush into big data and predictive analytics for HR isn’t right. Isn’t human. I haven’t… Continue Reading →
Seems HR gets more than their fair share of abuse. From HBR running their ongoing series on why HR sucks or how HR needs to change to why everyone hates HR. What exactly did HR do to Harvard Business Review?… Continue Reading →
I hear a lot of people say that those of us that buy Powerball tickets are stupid. They say we are throwing away our money. They say we have no chance of winning. Well… not exactly… we have a chance…. Continue Reading →
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