Unfortunately, I’ve been to funerals. I’ll wager you have too. Common to most is the “memory lane” exercise, where a family member, friend or religious representative, walks through the life and times of the deceased. For one funeral I attended… Continue Reading →
How many of you get all-a-twitter about the annual “feedback” session with your manager? How many of you think giving feedback to your manager is the right thing to advance your career? How often does your spouse appreciate that “feedback”… Continue Reading →
Rayanne Thorn joins the “Paul”Cast to chat about doing something different with your life and your career. Normally we talk about leveraging your strengths and focusing on what you do well while outsourcing the stuff you suck at. Rayanne is… Continue Reading →
Back behind the microphone with Drew Hawkins. Drew is someone I met about 8 years ago as I was just firing up a single practitioner consulting service and we was working in Chicago at a semi-competitor. We were both banging… Continue Reading →
Another day another dollar and another “Paul”Cast. This time, it is Josh Flagner (@railbirdj). Josh is a seasoned podcaster (I hope I pass his critique… finger’s crossed.) Josh writes, posts, whatever at JoshFlagner.com and hosts the podcast called “RailBirds Nest.”… Continue Reading →
Today’s “Paul”Cast is all about taking the bull by the horns and reaching out to your network and owning that task. And we’re lucky enough to have Lois Melbourne to thank for that advice. I’ve known Lois for a few… Continue Reading →
Back on the air with another “Paul”Cast. This time we welcome Jim Hacking – an immigration and citizenship attorney in St. Louis. (I know who I’m gonna call if I get lit up in St. Louis!) Jim joins me to talk… Continue Reading →
Seems I’m doing more podcasts than writing lately. I think it’s because I’ve been writing for almost 10 years about engagement, rewards, incentives, recognition and just about anything connected to influencing behavior in an organization. It gets tough to continue… Continue Reading →
You are in for a treat this time. On the podcast this time around is Trish McFarlane – friend and great HR professional and HR consultant at H3 Advisors. Trish and I spent about 25 minutes the other day chatting… Continue Reading →
[Psst… Scroll down to see the form!] Okay. I’ve tried doing the podcast by myself. Unfortunately doing a podcast by yourself is an extremely difficult job. I didn’t realize how hard it is to keep talking for 10, 15, 20… Continue Reading →
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