Category Employees

What Are Your Company’s “Pool Rules”?

I subscribe to a ton of newsletters. Some I scan. Some I read. Some I pay attention to. One I always scan, read, AND pay attention to is a newsletter from Cole Schafer called “Sticky Notes.” Cole is a copywriter…. Continue Reading →

Employees are Every Company’s Last Mile Problem

Most executives have no problem spending tons ‘o chedda on product, process, pricing, purpose, and perks. But at the same time, they will have some weird aversion to spending money on people. This post is for those folks. #PROTIP: It’s… Continue Reading →

Onboarding Employees – The First HUGE Step in the Engagement Journey 

I’ve been onboarded a few times. I’m guessing you have too.   Show of hands – how many times was it pleasant, interesting, informative, useful and ultimately, engaging? Yeah. I thought so.   Unfortunately for most companies, onboarding from an employee… Continue Reading →

Employee Engagement – Can’t Solve the Problem? Change the Problem

Years ago, we called it “employee satisfaction”. After that it was “engagement”. Josh Bersin even speculated that it should be called “marriage” because that logically followed “engagement.” Talk about weird mental gymnastics designed to gather clicks and attention. Here’s where… Continue Reading →

Experts know questions, not answers

I know so many clients who wished they could wave a magic wand and have all their goals and objectives met. They want a simple solution that fixes their motivation issues. They always ask… “what structure is the best structure?”… Continue Reading →

Behavior Under Pressure

I remember my first DISC training session way way back. Pre-computers. Yeah – you read that right. It was a while ago. I reviewed it a bit before writing this post and it has changed over the years. DISC is… Continue Reading →

Incentive Award Choices – Focus on “We” Awards

What I thought about this weekend is that most companies would love to have all their employees (or their distribution channel and customers for that matter) focused on the best interests of the company.  However, that is a difficult task. … Continue Reading →

Why Employee Engagement Needs to Be Re-Thought (Warning: It’s a Rant)

I love being engaged on my job. I don’t think I’ve ever been more engaged. Mostly because I directly see (and hear) the value I’m adding to the company. I’ve had other employees say they are happy I’m at the… Continue Reading →

Employee Engagement Isn’t an Employee Engagement Problem

I know I said a few weeks back I wouldn’t post again about employee engagement. Technically I said I wouldn’t post on the importance of employee engagement and this is a post about how to actually increase engagement which is… Continue Reading →

Why I can’t write another post about the importance of employee engagement.

Because it is 2018. That’s why. Writing another post on employee engagement would be like writing a post about why fire is good. Or why electricity is good. I think they’ve actually changed the opening scene of Animal House to… Continue Reading →

Austin Powers, Gandhi and Your Mom

Holding the envelope to my forehead, the large turban perched atop my head I read these words – Austin Powers, Gandhi and Your Mom. I pull envelope down, rip the short edge of the envelope off and blow into it… Continue Reading →

Your Company is no Longer Your Employees’ Nexus of Value

Remember the idea of the “company man”? I say that in true 1920s speak when that phrase was a popular derogatory remark about workers who would oppose the union because they were loyal to the company. Today it would be… Continue Reading →

I Knew Paul Was Meant for Greater Things When…

Unfortunately, I’ve been to funerals. I’ll wager you have too. Common to most is the “memory lane” exercise, where a family member, friend or religious representative, walks through the life and times of the deceased. For one funeral I attended… Continue Reading →

Why All the Individual Suggestions for Engagement Are WRONG

Where there is demand there will be supply. Especially in the world of thought leadership. Thought leadership costs almost nothing to create and has almost zero downside. When was the last time someone went back and looked at a post… Continue Reading →

5-Part Blog Series in PDF Form – Thoughts on Enterprise Incentive & Reward Design

The first post in this series went up July 25, 2017 and the final installment was live on October 12, 2017. Can’t rush brilliance – or its opposite. I said when I started the series that I’d combine the posts… Continue Reading →

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