I kid with clients that most of the programs I see run by my competitors are “Ron Popeil” programs.
They set them and forget them.
The programs launch with a bunch of fanfare. And then maybe once a month the company sends a note out to their program participants with a program update. Stock copy for all.
Man – can you feel the energy? Goose bumps – amIright?
It’s a crying shame companies spend so much money and time putting together an incentive program and then don’t use the technologies and techniques inherent in our digital marketing (and off line too!) world to promote and market the program.
If you were launching a new product would you do one announcement at the start and maybe a boring update every 30 days? Of course not. Then why to that with a million-dollar marketing campaign targeting your salespeople or your channel partners?
Promote it! Advertise it! Engage with your audience.
Create a communication cadence that keeps them informed and excited about the program.
Don’t schedule things on static schedules. Mix it up a bit. Maybe do three communications in a week then only one the next – then wait 2 weeks. Make the program surprise your audience now and then. Change the media – do an email – then a text message – then a post card.
Don’t cheap out. No product succeeds without marketing. Why would you think your incentive program would? (Pro-tip: You can probably increase results by decreasing awards and increasing you program marketing budget. Srsly. Try it.)
Bonus Bonus Bonus
Touch here to register for an upcoming webinar September 17th on program design missteps.
Webinar panelists will include myself and Kurt Nelson, PHD – President and Founder, Lantern Group, co-Founder, Behavioral Grooves and Tim Houlihan, Chief Behavioral Strategist at BehaviorAlchemy and co-Founder, Behavioral Grooves.
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