If you work in corporate America you worry about employee engagement. If you work in corporate “World” you worry about employee engagement. And if you pay attention to employee engagement data you know it really hasn’t changed much in 10… Continue Reading →
Hello… my name is Paul. I’m a social media and industry news addict. Truth. I actually have an app installed that won’t let me open Facebook during certain hours. I can’t disable it. I can’t reboot the computer and start… Continue Reading →
During conversations over Christmas break with my 22 year-old and my 24 year-old children they were surprised to learn that all this parenting stuff they had to suffer through growing up (and continue to for at least a little while… Continue Reading →
Did you hear about the patient with perfect blood pressure, perfect heart rate, perfect cholesterol levels, wonderful muscle tone yet was slowly dying? You’re about to. The patient’s name is Employee Engagement. Yesterday I pointed you to a write up… Continue Reading →
I’m pretty good at keeping my finger on the pulse of what is going on in the engagement space but this little ditty almost slipped by me. And the fact that I’ve only seen one update referencing this (and on… Continue Reading →
Here’s a question for you. Should you be the hero of your own story? When you describe your career, your job, your function, do you talk about it in a way that makes you the focus of that story?… Continue Reading →
Before you get all excited know this is NOT a post about “Smiling Bob” and Enzyte. This is a post about reframing a discussion around employees and their relationship with the organization. We all know that employee engagement is the… Continue Reading →
Normally I let articles in the mainstream media that are patently incorrect slide by. There’s just too many of them for me to waste my time trying to correct the idiocy that passes for business journalism in today’s world…. Continue Reading →
If you’re really looking for someone to help you drive employee engagement or any kind of engagement within your organization does it make sense to hire a company that typically just re-packages somebody else’s information? In other words, if you… Continue Reading →
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