It is no secret that employee engagement has become a vapor for most companies. The percentage of “engaged” employees has remained stable (and low) for well over 10 years. I’ve even suggested that maybe our 30%-ish engagement statistics represent the… Continue Reading →
Two months from now thousands of HR Professionals (and a enough amateurs to make it interesting) will descend on New Orleans for the 2017 Society of Human Resource Management annual conference. There will be parties. There will be regrets. There… Continue Reading →
If you work in corporate America you worry about employee engagement. If you work in corporate “World” you worry about employee engagement. And if you pay attention to employee engagement data you know it really hasn’t changed much in 10… Continue Reading →
Culture – the tapestry of who and what your company is and stands for. Woven from many different behaviors – large and small. Culture isn’t what is written on posters outside the offices of your senior leadership team. Culture is… Continue Reading →
Normally I start these “Paul”Casts with the tag line “what I wished I had been told…” but my interview partner in this discussion is fresh out of school and really hasn’t had the opportunity to experience a ton of life… Continue Reading →
Are you taking responsibility for your own engagement at work? Are you the craftsperson of your own happiness? It seems from what we read today that companies own employee engagement and employee happiness. But not so fast says Monica Fochtman,… Continue Reading →
Incentive programs are sometimes more art than science. I think that is due to a variety of studies that contradict each other and gurus who do the same. That tension creates “gray” areas and they get filled with the “art”… Continue Reading →
There are no shortages of people telling you how to get things done at work. I’m one of them. There is, however, a shortage of people who will HONESTLY tell you how to get things done at work. Too often… Continue Reading →
I was going to post this yesterday but then I remembered it was Memorial Day and there is only one thing that needs to be said on Memorial Day. Thanks There is no need to clutter up the web with… Continue Reading →
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