Hey – wake up! If you run a business or are responsible for running a division or department of a company listen up. You’re doing it wrong! You keep promoting the people who are good at the “function” of a job into… Continue Reading →
Employee engagement. Employee experience. It’s not culture, its community. There is no culture. Those concepts have been swirling around lately as it relates to how to connect companies and employees. Businesses (or is it just consultants who sell to companies) are… Continue Reading →
Employee engagement is down. Employee satisfaction is down. Overall happiness in the US is down (and has been declining since 2005). The number of mind-numbing and scream-laden reality TV shows is up (yet fading – there is good news!). Videos of… Continue Reading →
Okay this will be a short post today – informed by a post I was putting together for HRexaminer.com and a conversation that I’m having on Facebook right now about what else – employee engagement. It wouldn’t be 2015 if… Continue Reading →
I live in South Carolina. Yes… THAT South Carolina – the one with the whole flag thing. But that isn’t what provided the fodder for this post. I saw an public service message on TV the other day about traffic… Continue Reading →
If you didn’t know it LinkedIn allows people to post their own “blogs” on their site. It is a way to get more people engaged and get more visibility for LinkedIn. It also is an easy way for people to… Continue Reading →
If you’re really looking for someone to help you drive employee engagement or any kind of engagement within your organization does it make sense to hire a company that typically just re-packages somebody else’s information? In other words, if you… Continue Reading →
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