Sometimes I surprise myself. I’ve been writing about employee engagement – and engagement in general – for almost 10 years. First on my own blog for and then in tandem on Fistful of Talent for almost as long. I’ve also… Continue Reading →
The more I write about engagement and motivation for business, the more convinced I become that there are a finite number of rules in the world and those rules are simply repurposed for whatever context we humans play (or work)… Continue Reading →
Can you believe there was a time in medical history when medical practitioners didn’t wash their hands? When cleanliness wasn’t a “best practice?” True story. Washing hands wasn’t a routine issue back in the mid-1800s. The idea of washing hands… Continue Reading →
Back on the air with another “Paul”Cast. This time we welcome Jim Hacking – an immigration and citizenship attorney in St. Louis. (I know who I’m gonna call if I get lit up in St. Louis!) Jim joins me to talk… Continue Reading →
Show of hands… how many of you like being compared to domesticated farm animals? Or even non-domesticated animals for that matter? Except for honey badgers and wolverines – those are some bad-ass animals. I’m cool if someone said I was… Continue Reading →
It’s been something in the back of mind, wound tight, ready to spring with the right trigger – the feeling this whole mad, headlong rush into big data and predictive analytics for HR isn’t right. Isn’t human. I haven’t… Continue Reading →
Seems HR gets more than their fair share of abuse. From HBR running their ongoing series on why HR sucks or how HR needs to change to why everyone hates HR. What exactly did HR do to Harvard Business Review?… Continue Reading →
(Steve Boese posted today on how Netflix sees their real time data and the HR spin. It reminded me of the following slightly edited post I wrote back in February 2015 on a different blog. Enjoy this blast from the past.) Big… Continue Reading →
This post is a redo of a post from a few years back (about 4 or 5 to be not-exact.) I decided to remix/repost based on a twitter conversation I had with @TrishMcFarlane and @AKABruno (aka Matt Stollack.) Trish said:… Continue Reading →
I hear a lot of people say that those of us that buy Powerball tickets are stupid. They say we are throwing away our money. They say we have no chance of winning. Well… not exactly… we have a chance…. Continue Reading →
Did you hear about the patient with perfect blood pressure, perfect heart rate, perfect cholesterol levels, wonderful muscle tone yet was slowly dying? You’re about to. The patient’s name is Employee Engagement. Yesterday I pointed you to a write up… Continue Reading →
I posted a couple months back that I wanted to start talking to people about advice they wished they’d received early in the career. Advice that had the potential to change the trajectory of a career. I’m not talking about… Continue Reading →
Here’s a question for you. Should you be the hero of your own story? When you describe your career, your job, your function, do you talk about it in a way that makes you the focus of that story?… Continue Reading →
A recent article on Forbes caught my eye because the headline said “The Real Reason to Care About Employee Engagement.” I always love to jump into posts that start with either “the secret to” or “the top three things to… Continue Reading →
I just saw a post on the 4 human needs that have to be satisfied for engagement and motivation to occur in your company. I’ll add that article to the pile with other articles telling me about 7 needs, 3 needs,… Continue Reading →
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