Tag value

Value vs. Price

In the past clients who bought incentive programs typically paid for atoms. What that means is they paid for printed communications pieces, reports, merchandise and other awards. The budget was straight forward. $100 cost on the TV – they paid… Continue Reading →

How Much Should You Reward Someone in an Incentive Program?

How high is up? The amount you should reward someone for achieving their goal, doing the behaviors, taking the test, isn’t a static number. Often clients will ask what the “average” award value is when comparing themselves to other clients…. Continue Reading →

You Look Like My Last Patient – Let’s Schedule That Same Surgery

Your Company is no Longer Your Employees’ Nexus of Value

Remember the idea of the “company man”? I say that in true 1920s speak when that phrase was a popular derogatory remark about workers who would oppose the union because they were loyal to the company. Today it would be… Continue Reading →

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