Incentive programs are sometimes more art than science. I think that is due to a variety of studies that contradict each other and gurus who do the same. That tension creates “gray” areas and they get filled with the “art”… Continue Reading →
I keep a file of all the articles I find about how to drive performance in organizations. Some are good. Some are horrible. Most are about 50% correct. Even this one will fall short of 100% because at the core… Continue Reading →
Show of hands… how many of you like being compared to domesticated farm animals? Or even non-domesticated animals for that matter? Except for honey badgers and wolverines – those are some bad-ass animals. I’m cool if someone said I was… Continue Reading →
On March 23, 2016, Microsoft unleashed on the internet an artificial intelligence (AI) attached to a twitter account. It was called a chatbot and it went by the name of “Tay.” “Tay” was an experiment in AI to learn how… Continue Reading →
I just saw a post on the 4 human needs that have to be satisfied for engagement and motivation to occur in your company. I’ll add that article to the pile with other articles telling me about 7 needs, 3 needs,… Continue Reading →
Normally I let articles in the mainstream media that are patently incorrect slide by. There’s just too many of them for me to waste my time trying to correct the idiocy that passes for business journalism in today’s world…. Continue Reading →
We have almost reach comedic levels of posts on employee engagement, satisfaction, happiness and recognition. I am pretty confident I could bet you a year’s salary that you can’t go two days without seeing at least 5 posts on… Continue Reading →
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