Category Humans

Take Your Team on a Motivational Field Trip

Close your eyes. Imagine you’re a manager and you have 10 employees that you’re responsible for. Notice I didn’t say “10 employees who work for you”. That was on purpose. As a manager your REAL job regardless of what you… Continue Reading →

When is ONE thing really THREE things? Whenever you want to sell newspapers and employee engagement.

We are a one-trick pony society now. We have abandoned our ability to see our world as a complex set of iterations, interactions and interrelationships. We think the economy is ONLY a function of Fed interest policy. We think the… Continue Reading →

Recognition – Incentive – Engagement [They Are NOT the Same]

I keep a file of all the articles I find about how to drive performance in organizations. Some are good. Some are horrible. Most are about 50% correct. Even this one will fall short of 100% because at the core… Continue Reading →

12 Karmic Laws of Engagement

The more I write about engagement and motivation for business, the more convinced I become that there are a finite number of rules in the world and those rules are simply repurposed for whatever context we humans play (or work)… Continue Reading →

Old MacDonald Had a Farm – Then Became an Employee Engagement Guru

Show of hands… how many of you like being compared to domesticated farm animals? Or even non-domesticated animals for that matter? Except for honey badgers and wolverines – those are some bad-ass animals. I’m cool if someone said I was… Continue Reading →

Why I don’t really like the whole analytics and big data thing in HR

  It’s been something in the back of mind, wound tight, ready to spring with the right trigger – the feeling this whole mad, headlong rush into big data and predictive analytics for HR isn’t right. Isn’t human. I haven’t… Continue Reading →

HR Professionals – You Wouldn’t Like Them When They’re Angry

Seems HR gets more than their fair share of abuse. From HBR running their ongoing series on why HR sucks or how HR needs to change to why everyone hates HR. What exactly did HR do to Harvard Business Review?… Continue Reading →

Employee Engagement is a Lot Like Parenting – #NextChat Jan 13th At 3:00 pm ET

During conversations over Christmas break with my 22 year-old and my 24 year-old children they were surprised to learn that all this parenting stuff they had to suffer through growing up (and continue to for at least a little while… Continue Reading →

The Airing of Grievances

  Having to have to explain what that headline means when we have something like google available (in other words – google “airing of grievances”) – jeez. Posting what is obviously a fake, fraud, hoax, ridiculous story to your Facebook… Continue Reading →

Worst. Post. EVER. About. Employee. Engagement.

A recent article on Forbes caught my eye because the headline said “The Real Reason to Care About Employee Engagement.” I always love to jump into posts that start with either “the secret to” or “the top three things to… Continue Reading →

The 4 Basic Human Needs, no 3, no 6, no 7 – Aw the hell with it…

I just saw a post on the 4 human needs that have to be satisfied for engagement and motivation to occur in your company. I’ll add that article to the pile with other articles telling me about 7 needs, 3 needs,… Continue Reading →

Employee Enhancement VS Employee Engagement?

  Before you get all excited know this is NOT a post about “Smiling Bob” and Enzyte. This is a post about reframing a discussion around employees and their relationship with the organization. We all know that employee engagement is the… Continue Reading →

Employee Engagement is Context Not Content

Employee engagement is soooooo 2000 and late. It’s all about “human” now. At least that seems to be the take away from the HRTech conference held last week in Vegas. Everything was about human connections. Bloggers blogged about it. Signs… Continue Reading →

Crap Advice On Recognition from Inc Magazine – #SMDH

  Normally I let articles in the mainstream media that are patently incorrect slide by. There’s just too many of them for me to waste my time trying to correct the idiocy that passes for business journalism in today’s world…. Continue Reading →

Your Friday Orders: Originate – Not Imitate.

  The following quote passed by me on my Facebook feed the other day and made me stop and think.  “…we have more faith in what we imitate than in what we originate. We cannot derive a sense of absolute… Continue Reading →

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