Category Biases

Motivation, Incentives, and What Wimpy Knew

[Full disclosure – this is a post form 2008 but evergreen] To paraphrase Wimpy from the Popeye cartoon, “I’ll gladly reward you Tuesday for your behavior today.” Every incentive and reward program is really a trade-off between behavior and a… Continue Reading →

Channel Incentives – Not Just for Existing Customers Anymore

About 99.9% of all incentive designers and buyers see channel incentive programs as a way to get more from the same people they are already getting a lot from. For years and years program designers focused on the top performers…. Continue Reading →

Why Short-Term Promotions Matter

It’s been over a month since I posted. I wanted to focus on my family and my work to be sure I was doing everything possible to support those two critical aspects of my life. Posting here doesn’t change my… Continue Reading →

I HAVE to have THAT Feature! Falling for FONHAFIINI 

I am shopping for a new laptop backpack. There are some great options out there with great prices. I’m pretty sure I know what I need and that is the starting point for my shopping process. Then I see one… Continue Reading →

“Pseu-Pseu-Pseudio” Motivation?

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