When you saw that headline did you click through? If you’re reading this then you did. 

And that’s what I wanted. Engagement. I didn’t need to promise you a rose garden or a gift card. I just asked if you could answer a question. Now, if the question is one that you think you can answer, then I can probably get you to answer the question (which is my real goal.) 

I bring this up because I get a NY Times headlines update email every day. And at the end of the week there is always this: 

And every week without fail I click the link and take the test. Sometimes I do well. Sometimes I don’t. When I do well it reminds me of the things I know – further embedding them in my mind. If I don’t do well it makes me want to see what the answer was and then it – wait for it – further embeds the content in my mind.


How often do you send a note out to your audience and ask: “Are you a good sales person? Do you KNOW your product? Test Yourself. You know you want to know.”

Then link to a short quiz about the product or service. 

No judgement. No real awards required. Trust me. A bunch of people will take you up on the challenge. And then, when you send out the next program newsletter give a few random awards to those who took the challenge – regardless of whether they did well on the quiz or not. The goal is to show action and activity.

The learning will take care of itself. 

BTW – Here’s a quick quiz you can take to see how your incentive program stacks up. You up for the challenge? 

Go for it. I triple-dog dare you!